'how Many Times Was \'you Still Take Dmg\' Said In Yu-gi-oh'

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Jun 04, 2015  Page 1 of 2 - Chronologically confused about 5Ds. posted in Animation & Graphic Novels: Im confused as to whenn 5Ds takes place in the Yu-GI-Oh! Timeline.The show takes place in the year 2021, and apparently GX took place 10 years after the original show.5Ds contains many new technologies unavailable in GX, and its been said 5Ds takes place AFTER the original series.And an older version (or. The very best tip I can give you, is any time you draw a card that's useless (actually useless, not you'd rather save it or its too risky or costly to use, but you actually can't play the card at that moment due to its cost being impossible to fulfill), think about how many times you've used that card, versus how many times you didn't want to. In the game of Duel Monsters, (Yu-Gi-Oh!) how many times can you attack per turn? I'm still a little noob to the game, please help me out. As stated above each monster can attack once unless they have an ability allowing them to attack more times, but they must be in attack postion. Source(s): been playing for 6. Also I like the fact you added Toon Table of Contents that is a great search card for toons, like i said if you want an awesome equip spell Axe of Despair is good but I run a Megamorph, it all depends if you want to take a risk but trust me since morph doubles or halves atk it would be a good card but hey it's your call, there aren't to many.

But, like I said, only Parts I and II of THE FINAL FACE-OFF are here - so, if you wanna watch the other three parts, you'd better buy Yu-Gi-Oh!: Season 3, Vol. 5 - The Final Face-Off. Of course, don't do anything before you see Joey square off against Seto Kaiba in this unforgetable duel for third place! No that's not right. They never said this. Revolver explained that his monster inflicts piercing damage and not 'But you still take the damage' I know that you try to make everyone laugh or making yourself cool or whatever but stop forcing 'But you still take the damage' in each duel in this serie even if wasn't existing this episode.

Disclaimer: I Do Not own Yu-Gi-Oh! Bonds Beyond Time! Or any of its Characters! Expect I Do Own my OC and Moonlight Crystals Cards/ Deck.


'Spirits/ Monsters Talking'


'Communication to Duel Monsters/ Spirits'

Chapter 4: Paradox Plan! It's Time to Duel! End!

Domino City! A Few Minutes Later!

Luna used a bit of her power to make Moonlight Magician Girl attack real; she destroyed the stage making people run for cover to get away.

'Way to go Magician Girl.' Luna told her as she continued to blast her attack, 'Everyone please move to a safe location and don't look back!' she shouted at the people who are running away.

'I hope this scares off Pegasus that way he won't be crushed by that tall building.' Yugi stated.

'Right.' Yusei agreed, 'Then he and the future of Duel Monsters are safe.'

Luna crystal bells jingled for a few moments, 'Yusei, Uncle Yugi!' she called out to them as the jingles got quicker, 'We've got an unwanted guest. He's coming.' Luna faced to were the masked duelist was coming from, 'Over there!' she shouted pointed to an area.

'I think not.' A voice said from the direction that Luna pointed out.

They looked at her how did she know where would he appear and face back to the masked duelist who appear out of nowhere a white Duel Runner appeared and landed in front of them to revival that the voice belongs to.

how many times was

'You listen here!' Yugi shouted, 'We know what you're up to and we're not going to let it happen! GOT IT!' So why don't you make it easier on yourself and go back to wherever it is you came from.'

'Where I come from is the reason I am here.' The guy told them, 'Perhaps it's time we got acquainted.' He took off his mask to revival a pair of golden coloured eyes. 'The name's Paradox!'

'Paradox?' Yusei asked.

'I doubt you've heard of me.' He said, 'In fact I'm very much certain you haven't.' He looked at all of them, 'After all I don't come from any eras of your time. I come from the future.'

'What's that supposed to mean?' Yusei asked as Luna continued to stay quiet and observer him.

'I wonder? Never mind,' Luna told him, 'Yusei forget him, he's trying to get in your head.'

'We don't care about her back story,' Yugi told him, 'we just care about keeping out world safe.'

'Oh is that so?' Paradox asked, '*laughs* Too bad. Nobody thought to keep me safe or those I loved. Now I'll finally get my revenge.'

'Paradox!' Luna called out making everyone look at her, 'Revenge is never an answer to everything. It will only lead to more revenge. Revenge is never ending cycle that will never stop till it kills you.'

'Say's the Slifer Queen.' Paradox stated, 'Haven't you thought of those that gave you and your friends pain, suffering in Shadow Duels and Games!'

'I have but that has nothing to do what you're about to do.' Luna answered making Yugi and a transcended Spirit appeared next to him and it looks like him but only older and has more spikes in it, looked at her when he mention 'Shadow Duels and Games'. 'You're doing all of this for YOUR own selfish needs. If you did this will cause people to be happy? Getting rid of Duel Monsters forever!'

'*laughs* You are smart just like the rumours says but still… ' Paradox went on, 'I will rid the world of what caused all my pain and suffering, that's why I am here. Because I realized something, yes Luna you are right, something about this you love, this Duel Monsters. The world would be far better place without it. The Monsters, the spells, what good has come from it? True you all saved the world many times before with your precious cards, but against aviaries who were using the same cards to destroy it.'

'So that's why you're doing this to rid the world of Duel Monster?' Yusei asked.

'That is correct, just like the Queen said,' Paradox answered, 'once and for all.'

'Not on our watch you don't.' Yusei told him.

'YOU SENSELESS DOLTS!' Paradox yelled at them, 'DON'T YOU SEE INSTEAD OF TRYING TO STOP ME, YOU THREE SHOULD BE TRYING YOUR BEST TO HELP ME! I'VE TOLD YOU!' He looked off to the side. 'Where I come from is the reason I am here. Where I come from is a doomed future.'

'No,' Yusei told him, 'our future is a bright one.'

'It's not,' Parados stated, 'it is a decalescent place. So decalescent I could no longer see it through my own eyes. To wear a mask. And was through this filter that I finally began to see. To see why things have ended this way. And the answer was Duel Monsters. So what is better way to destroy this virus than to travel back to the beginning and not letting it spread. Time travel is no easy feat, where I'm from if there is a will then there is a way. And there was a way.'

'But don't you realize?' Yusei asked, 'You're not just wiping out Duel Monsters but the people too. Your destroying everything and everyone that ever touched by the game.'

'Of course, I've realized that,' Paradox stated, 'as a matter-of-fact that's what I'm looking forward to the most.'

'You are one sick evil villain,' Luna told him, 'your low as Viper the snake guy I duelled.' They all looked at her, then back at Paradox.

'Maybe the games not perfect, but it created more good things than bad.' Yugi added.

'Yep,' Luna added more in, 'the game has even brought people together from all over the world together.'

'And another thing, the future isn't written yet.' Yusei continued, 'There's still time for things to change.'

'Well, then it seems we've got our different opinion,' Paradox stated, 'and our past. Perhaps we should seek to settle another way then.'

'If you're saying you want to duel then bring it on Paradox.' Yusei told him.

'Fine then,' Paradox agreed, 'I think it's fitting to destroy you four with the very cards you're trying to save.'

They all watched as Paradox pushed a button before his runner started to change form and soon enough he was hovering in the air over then.

His arm glowed showing his dragon mark, 'Your twisted time quashed stops here.' Yusei told him, 'Let's Rev it up!' As Crimson Dragon appeared behind him.

Luna eyes began to glow aqua green and golden, 'Let me tell you Paradox.' She stated as Paradox looked at her, 'The Future is undecided by them, so there is still hope for you. But you're clouded by your future judgement of the world.' As Luna said and her seven dragons started to appear behind her, 'So Paradox, Get Your Game On!' she finished and her dragons let out a mighty roar.

'Yugi, out all of our duels this maybe the toughest one.' A voice in inside of him stated.

'Then let's rise to the challenge.' Yugi answered back just before the puzzle and Horus eyes appeared on his head. 'YU-GI-OH!'

Luna looked next to her out in the corner of her eyes to see the Pharaoh standing in the same place that Yugi had been just minutes before with a determined glare.

'I have just one thing to say to you Paradox.' Yami said, 'It's Time to Duel!'

They all activated their duel disks before sliding in their duels.

'Let's go!' Yami, Luna and Yusei called out together.

Paradox: 4000

Yami+Luna+Yusei: 4000


Tori flew of Luna shoulder and went to the area that Professor Banner and his cat Pharaoh are standing to watch the duel.

'Wish them luck Pharaoh,' Banner said to his cat, 'the fate of us all rest with these three.'

'How about you go first Queen of Games?' Paradox said as he pointed to Luna, 'Ladies first and the rumours says that your deck is rare, then let's see it.'

Luna growled at him, she is not happy about this one bit. Yugi and Yami looked at her surprise by her titles at he called her.

'Ah, yes.' He continued on, 'Your all wondering about the different names I called her, it true she is known by many names like; Slifer Queen, Ruler of Slifer, Queen of Games, Elemental HEROs Princess or Queen and Spirit Queen.'

Yusei, Yugi and Yami all looked at her in shock how many titles is she known for her skills telling people that she doesn't like to be mess with and Luna growled even more.

'Zip it Paradox!' Luna scoffed at him, 'Why don't you go first, since you're in a hurry to destroy the world.'

'Fine then I will,' Paradox told her, 'and I think I'll start by activating the field spell Malefic World.' They all stared at the field in surprise except for Luna who was narrowing her eyes at his play and for some reason she didn't like the field card at all, 'Malefic World. Now instead of drawing a card during my draw phase I'm allowed to add a random Malefic monster from my deck to my hand. Next I'll send Cyber-End Dragon from my extra deck to the graveyard which means Malefic Cyber-End Dragon now appears.'

Malefic Cyber- End Dragon: ATK/ 4000 – DEF/ 2800 - Level: 10

'Cyber-End.' Luna muttered to herself sadly. 'I wonder how Zane is right now without it.'

'Hey, does anyone know what this Malefic Thing is all about?' Yusei asked.

'It's not something,' Paradox told him, 'it's the type of deck I use. A type of deck I use from the future. One of the many advantages of time travel.'

'Luna!' Yusei called, she looked at him, 'Did you see how he summon the Malefic version of that dragon?'

'Yeah and I hate it!' Luna answered madly, 'Just by sending a regular version of Cyber-End to the graveyard that's all it took.'

'In other words by destroying a monster's good version he can give life to it's bad.' Yami said, 'it seems Paradox truly does see only the dark side of Duel Monsters.'

'Yes, Yugi,' Paradox agreed, 'and I'm going to use it to defeat you all, but let's not get ahead of ourselves. I end my turn with one face down.'

'Listen Luna and Yugi,' Yusei said, 'we know what's at stake here our friends, our lives, our very future all lies in the balance. I all hinges on this Duel. It's true we may all just meet and may not know each other's duel strategies, but even so right now we have to fight as one. All of our skills, all of our past experiences let's use them. Let's focus all of them to this one common cause.'

'Agree Yusei and how about we let Luna start this off,' Yami told him, 'since Paradox was the first to ask about her deck.'

'Right, Luna.' Yusei face her.

'Sure,' she told them, 'Draw!' Luna drew her sixth card, 'I'll start with my favourite lightning bird, so I summon Moonlight Electric Lightning Bird.'

On the field it started to have dark clouds and a lightning bolt shot out of it revealing a yellow bird with white streaks on its feathers about a median size dog with crystal on the wings like gems and lightning and electricity shot out in all directions. Yami, Yugi and Yusei all looked at it in awe.

Moonlight Electric Lightning Bird: ATK/ 1700 – DEF/1500 – Level 4

'What is that?' Paradox asked in shock and everyone looked at him in surprise.

'What?' Luna answered him, 'It's my Moonlight Crystals Deck I'm using, I designed it myself when I was a little kid. Sheesh you're from the future you should know about this.'

'No, I don't!' Paradox exclaimed madly, 'It says in the history that you used Elemental HEROs and Neo-Spacian as your deck!' Yami, Yugi and Yusei looked at her curiously if she does than where is it.

'Oh, you mean my other deck.' Luna said as she pulled out a deck that contains her Elemental HEROs and Neo-Spacian, 'It's here.' She pulled out Elemental HERO Neos from the deck. 'Neos and them are part of my original expect that I barely use my Moonlight Crystals Deck in tournaments maybe that's why you don't know and I mostly use my Elemental HEROs in the tournaments.' She answered truthfully.

'Fine,' Paradox said, 'No matter your still going to lose.'

'Fine then.' Luna told him, 'Now I activate my Lightning Bird special ability when it is summon you take direct damage equal to its attack points.' She looked at her bird, 'So lightning Bird it's time for your ability.' The bird nodded and shot out a wave of electric and lightning directly at Paradox.

Paradox: 4000 – 1700 _ 2300

Yami+Luna+Yusei: 4000

'Ouch! That's got to hurt.' Yugi told Yami and he nodded in agreement.

'And who says I'm done,' Luna told him, 'I activate it's second special ability when it deals damage I can summon a level 4 or below monster from my deck or hand. And I pick Moonlight Crystal Wind Phoenix in defence mode.'

A huge gust of winded appeared on the field in a tornado form and it broke revealing a beautiful crystal phoenix with light green and blue feathers and green eyes.

Moonlight Crystal Wind Phoenix: ATK/ 1700 – DEF/ 1200 – Level 2

'Oh, yeah Wind Phoenix also have an ability which allows me to draw two new cards from my deck.' She drew two new cards, 'I play five cards face down and end my turn.' Luna said as five cards appeared face down on the field.

'It's my move and with it I'll show you a beast with true might.' Paradox stated, 'I send Rainbow Dragon from my extra deck to the graveyard which as you saw before means I can summon Malefic Rainbow Dragon.'

Malefic Rainbow Dragon: ATK/ 4000 – DEF/ 0 –Level 10

Luna gasps, 'Rainbow Dragon! How dare you!' she yelled out, 'Leave my boyfriend's card out of this.'

'Now we know why he was stealing those cards.' Banner said to loosen the tension.

'Um, Professor Banner, you're not really helping the situation much by saying that. You know.' Luna thought to him.

'I know, but it helps me with the air tension in this game.' Banner joked and she sweat dropped.

'Why do you think I was time hopping in the first place?' Paradox asked, 'so I can collect the cards I need to destroy you Pegasus. Until that time comes I'll use them to destroy the three of you! MALEFIC RAINBOW DRAGON ATTACK! Sparta Surge!'

'Don't think so Paradox,' Luna told him, 'I play negate attack, it negates the monster attacking it.'

'Fine then,' Paradox stated, 'you stopped one of my Malefic Dragons, but you recall I have two out. Malefic Cyber- End Dragon attack!'

'Of course not. You think that the dragon is out for a sitting dragon.' She said sarcastically. 'I play my other face down it's called Crystal Block! You see it can negate the attack and destroy the monsters on your side of the field, it also allows me to draw three new cards.' She said as a crystal wall appeared in front of her, the attack is negated and the blast revised itself to the two dragons destroying it and she drew three new cards from her deck.

'Nicely played Luna,' Yami praised, 'you have to tell me where did you learn to duel with such heart and passion.'

'Um, a place called Duel Academy Uncle Yugi,' Luna told him, 'believe it or not I normally skip or sleep through classes.'

'Well, if I was your teacher I'd defiantly give you an A for that last move.' Yami stated.

She blushed, 'Thanks Uncle Yugi but the reason was because you guys taught me all this along with Uncle Joey and Uncle Seto.' She said smiling.

'Smart I see, it's true then what people say about your dueling skills is beyond anyone.' Paradox stated as they all looked at him while Luna glared what are people saying about her, 'People says that you can observe the opponent duel and counter them before they even play it. I can see that with my own eyes that it is true.'

Yami, Yugi and Yusei all looked at her how strong and observant is her skill level is. Luna cursed the rumours of letting out too much information about her skills but good thing not her powers or she will be in deep trouble when Uncle Seto hears about this.

'Oh, shut it.' Luna snapped, 'I hate it when people spread news about me, I can never get any peace and quiet in the world when I travel to areas so Aunt Mai, Aunt Tea and Aunt Serenity told me to hide myself, so why do you think that I hide myself with a cape and hood when we first meet.'

'Yes, we'll let me tell you something,' Paradox told them, 'When your life points run out because this is a Malefic duel you don't just lose the match you lose your soul as well.'

'I thought so, that's the reason why I hate this field spell. Great he discovered another version of a Shadow Duel, just what we needed the most.' She thought sarcastically, 'A Shadow after another Shadow, *sigh* I hate my life.'

'Yusei it's your turn.' Yami told him.

'Right,' Yusei stated, 'here we go!' Yusei drew his sixth card, 'First I play Reincarnation of Hope by send two monsters to the graveyard now. We can draw a monster card later.'

'Fool, don't you realize that there won't be a later for you or your friends?' Paradox said coldly.

'Well, right now I'm summoning Junk Synchron.' Yusei announced.

Junk Synchron: ATK/1300 – DEF/ 500 – Level 3

'And because I was able to summon him now I can summon a level 2 or below monster from the graveyard. Sonic Chick fans your feather in defence mode.'

Sonic Chick: ATK/ 300 – DEF/ 300 – Level 1

'Next I'll play Quilbolt Hedgehog's ability from the graveyard. An ability if I have a tuner out on the field, but it won't be around for long nor well my other monsters.'

Quilbolt Hedgehog: ATK/ 800 – DEF/ 800 – Level 2

'At least not in their present form. Cause I'm tuning them all together just as Luna, Yugi and I are combining our might these three now combine theirs. I summon forth the Synchro Monster Junk Guardna.'

Junk Guardna: ATK/1400 – DEF/ 2600 – Level 6

'Synchro what?' Yami asked.

'I don't know Uncle Yugi,' Luna answered, 'but it looks like a new type of fusion in the future.'

'Yeah, it is.' Yusei said.


'With this I place two card face down and end my turn.'

'How truly pathetic,' Paradox told them, 'if that's the best you can do you all of you might as just as well give up here and now. Your decks are no match for mine not since I snatched Yusei's Stardust Dragon.'

Luna glared up at him before a smirk spread across her face that did go unnoticed by Yami, Yugi and Yusei.

'Idiot,' she thought, 'does he really think that Stardust Dragon is a match for my dragons, but then again he doesn't know what my deck is capable off.'

'It's my turn, but instead of dragon I'll use my field spell to add a random Malefic monster to my hand.' Paradox told them, 'Excellent, now I have all I need to win this in my fingertips. The future well soon to be cured of the Duel Monster pledge. I send Stardust Dragon from my extra deck to the graveyard. Now raise MALEFIC STARDUST DRAGON!'

Malefic Stardust Dragon: ATK/ 2500 – DEF/ 2000 – Level 8

Luna covered her ears because of Stardust Dragon crying in pain and she began to whimper a bit.

'Luna!' Yami called out, 'Are you alright?' he asked in concern and Yugi appeared next to him having a worry look on his face.

'I-I-I'm fine.' Luna told them, but she clutch her head even more, 'Maybe I'm not, and my head hurts badly.'

'Why?' Yusei asked.

'It's Stardust Dragon Yusei,' she whimpered even more than before, 'it's calling for help.'

'My Stardust.' Yusei whispered before glaring at Paradox, 'Paradox you snake what have you done to it?'

'I simply introduced it to the power of the shadows and there's more to come,' Paradox answered/ added, 'now I'll summon Malefic Parallelgear.'

Malefic Parallelgear: ATK/ 0DEF/ 0 – Level 2

'Now Parallelgear tune with my Malefic Stardust Dragon' he said.

'What?' Yusei said in shock.

'You're not the only one that can synchro summon Yusei.' Paradox said and continued, 'Behold as the shadows strip down through the creaks of time witness how the darkness pulls together to create pure evil. I synchro summon Malefic Paradox Dragon!'

Malefic Paradox Dragon: ATK/ 4000 – DEF/ 4000 – Level 10

'Oh Ra!' Luna said as she clenches her head because of the darkness power coming from it.

'And next I'll active it's special ability,' Paradox went on, 'since I synchro summoned I'm allowed to bring back a synchro monster straight to the field, so raise once more Stardust Dragon!'

Stardust Dragon: ATK/ 2500 - DEF/ 2000 - Level 8

'Two Dragons again.' Yusei said as he heard Luna whimper more and clenching her head even more.

'Luna! /Luna!' Yami and Yugi both called out to her.

'Yubel,' Luna called her, 'What's wrong with me?' Yubel appeared next to her and Yami and Yugi both see her.

'It's the Paradox Dragon darkness energy.' Yubel answered, 'It's starting to affect you because of your powers. Keep fighting it.' Yubel encouraged her and she nodded trying to fight the dark energy.

'*laughs* It's seems like the Queen is feeling the dark power from my dragon.' Paradox stated as Yami, Yugi and Yusei glared at him, 'Now were was I, yes Paradox Dragon reduces the attack points of the monsters in attack mode and so the number of attack points of the monster just revived.'

'Oh, great.' Luna said as she groaned.

'Not good.' Banner stated, 'If this keeps up Luna and the others won't last long. Especially Luna with the dark negative energy of that dragon affecting her.'

'Thanks for the positive quote Professor Banner.' She thought back sarcastically.

'Sorry, I'm feeling really stress right now.'

'Don't you think that Uncle Yugi, the Nameless Pharaoh Yami, Yusei and me have it easy.' she smiled, 'Just keep think positive thoughts like I always and it will be alright.'

'Your right.' He smiled.

'I would say you put up a good fight, but you didn't.' Paradox told them, 'Malefic Paradox Dragon destroy Junk Guardna.'

'Don't think so Paradox I play Junk Guardna's ability and with it your dragon is about to get switched into defence mode.' Yusei told him.

Malefic Paradox Dragon: ATK/ 4000 – DEF/ 4000 – Level 10

'Fine, but there is still Stardust Dragon on the field.' Paradox told them, 'So Stardust Dragon attack Moonlight Crystal Electric Lightning Bird!'

Stardust Dragon attacked Moonlight Crystal Electric Lightning Bird and it was destroyed. Luna clenched her head even more and her knee gave in.

'Ow, how long can I keep this up.' She said to herself.

'I wouldn't be so sure I play the trap Malefic Claw Stream,' Paradox stated, 'since a Malefic synchro monster is on my field I'm allowed to destroy one of you monsters. So Junk Guardna say good-bye!' Junk Guardna was destroy.

Paradox: 2300

Yami+Luna+Yusei: 4000

'No' Yusei said.

'Don't worry Yusei.' Yami told him but he glance at Luna who was on her knees clenching her head.

'We have to destroy that dragon, Yami.' Yugi said in worry looking at her, 'As long as that dragon is on the field the negative dark energy won't stop.'

'I know Yugi and we will stop it.' Yami said in confidence.

'I'm sorry Yugi, but even your best won't be good enough here,' Paradox told him, 'not as long as I have Stardust Dragon because due to Malefic Paradox Dragon ability your monsters that are going in attack mode will deceased by Stardust Dragon's attack points.'

'This is all my fault.' Yusei told them while looking at Luna.

'No it's not Yusei.' Luna told him as she whimpered a bit.

'how Many Times Was 'you Still Take Dmg ' Said In Yu-gi-oh' Bible

'She's right Yusei.' Yami told him, 'Stardust Dragon is your card, but you're not in control of it, at least not yet.'

'What do you mean?' Yusei asked while Luna smiled but continued to clench her head.

'Next I'll play two cards face down to end my turn.' Paradox concludes.

'Then it's my move, so get ready.' Yami said as he drew a card.

'Very well.' Paradox said, 'Let's see what you've got King of Games.'

'Yugi, my cards are your cards.' Yusei told him.

'Well, in that case I'll use Reincarnation of Hopes effect to asses a monster from my deck to my hand,' Yami said, 'and the monster I choose is Dark Magician.'

'As though I didn't see that coming.' Paradox stated.

'I then activate the spell card known as Ancient Rules and with it I'm allowed to summon a level 5 or above monster from my hands directly to the field.' Yami went on, 'So take to the field Dark Magician.'

Dark Magician: ATK/ 2500 – DEF/ 2100 – Level 7

'According to the history books that card is Yugi's ace.' Yusei said in amazement.

Luna lift up her head to see Dark Magician, 'Mahad?' she said and Dark Magician looked at her and she smiled at him but only to clench her head and began to shake her head in pain. He looked at her in sorrow because of the dark power the dragon is giving.

'Luna!' Yusei called out, 'Hang in there.'

'Well, interesting seems like to darkness energy is affecting her the most.' Paradox said as he looked at her, 'But still your Magician is still subject to Paradox Dragon's down effect.'

Dark Magician: ATK/ 2500 - 0

'So long as Stardust Dragon is out this is going to be tough to win and…' Banner trailed off looking worriedly at Luna as she is still on the ground clenching her head. 'As long as Paradox Dragon is out Luna she'll continue to feel the darkness power.'

'Listen,' Yusei started making Yami look at him, 'if Stardust Dragon needs to be destroyed for us to have a chance then destroy it.'

'Yusei.' Luna said in worry.

'It's better than that being under the control of Paradox.'

'Oh how touching.' Paradox said sarcastically, 'Now go already.'

'From my hand I play spell Bond Between Teacher And Student.' Yami continued, 'Since I have Dark Magician out on the field I can summon his Student Dark Magician Girl in defence mode.'

Dark Magician Girl: ATK/ 2000 – DEF/ 1700 – Level 6

'Oh my.' DMG said with a worry look, 'Looks like it's going to be a real trick for us to come out on top here.'

'Well, perhaps, but remember as Magicians there's no trick that we can't pull off.' Dark Magician reminded her.

Luna looked up seeing Dark Magician Girl, 'Mana?' she called out loud enough for them to hear then when back to closing her eyes and shaking her head, DMG and DM looked at her seeing her in pain as she continued to clench her head.

'Oh, is she okay?' DMG asked DM.

'No, she isn't the dark energy is affecting her really bad.' DM answered.

'Poor girl, but how did she know our name?' DMG said/ asked.

'She's from the future, maybe that's why.' DM said and she nodded looking down at the her in sorrow.

'Next I play the spell card Magic Gate of Miracles,' Yami went on, 'now since I have two spellcasters out on my field I can switch one of your monsters to defence mode and switch it to my side.'

Luna smiled understanding his plan, two gates appeared on the field, and two white hand gloves appear out of the gate reaching out to Paradox Dragon.

'I play a trap Malefic Force,' Paradox said in a panic, 'and by equipping Malefic Force to my Monster it can't be affected by your spells which mean Paradox Dragon is no longer up for grabs.'

'Idiot.' Luna thought.

'Yes, that's true but Stardust still is.' Yami reminded him as the hands grab Stardust Dragon and pull him through the gate onto the side of Yusei field area. Yami looked at Yusei, 'Yusei, Stardust Dragon is back where it belongs.'

Yusei looked at his card revealing Stardust Dragon, 'Thanks Yugi.' He told him.

Stardust Dragon: ATK/ 2500 – DEF/ 2000 – Level 8

'Yes,' Luna cheered a bit, 'ya did it Uncle Yugi. Ouch.' She grabbed her head again.

Yami nodded his head, 'Speaking of Paradox's Dragon. It's ability is no longer in effect which means our monsters attack points return to normal.'

Dark Magician: ATK/ 0 – 2500

'Bravo Yugi, but so what if you returned your monsters attack points.' Paradox told him, 'My Paradox Dragon still has him beat by 4000. Face it. You're simply out matched.'

'I wouldn't say that.' Yami stated with a smile, 'I play spell card Dark Magic Twin Burst! With this Dark Magician's attack points increase by the total of Dark Magician Girl.'

Dark Magician: ATK/ 2500 + 2000 – 4500

'What the?' Pardox said in surprise.

'Now your Monster is the one who's out match Paradox,' Yami pointed out, 'and not only that it also happens to be out numbered two to one. So attack Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl.'

'It's time.' DM said.

'Right,' DMG agreed, 'to kick some butt.'

'Here we go.' DM announced.

'Now.' DMG ordered.

'Twin Dark Magic Attack!' DM and DMG yelled out together as the attack hit Paradox Dragon through it's chest and destroyed it.

Paradox: 2300

Yami+Luna+Yusei: 4000

'Nice.' Yusei called out.

Luna let go of her head in relief of the pain, 'Thank you Uncle Yugi.' She said with relaxed tone. He smiled at her. She heard her crystal bells jingle and Tori called out but only she can heard it.

'Why do I have a bad feeling,' Luna thought as she looked at Paradox, 'its like he wanted Paradox Dragon to be destroyed.' She frowned at the thought.

'Maybe they can actually pull this off.' Banner said in happy tone.

'Thanks a lot Professor for the faith you have in us.' Luna said as she rolled her eyes.

'Well this disparate move changes nothing.' Paradox announced.

'I disagree,' Yami told him, 'you had two monsters and now you have none.'

'And I thank you for that,' Paradox said, 'you see all have done is clear the way for something else. Something grand, Something almighty…'

'Hurry up.' Luna interrupted because she is not in a good mood right now especially with the crystal bells jingling non-stop.

'Fine.' Paradox said annoyed how he was interrupted, 'I play the trap Malefic Paradox Shift! With Malefic Paradox Dragon destroyed by sacrificing half of my life points I can summon my most wicked beast. MALEFIC TRUTH DRAGON!'

Paradox: 2300 – 1150 _ 1150

Malefic Truth Dragon: ATK/ 5000 – DEF/ 5000 – Level 12

Luna stared at the big dragon in shock and started to clench her chest, she screamed out in pain.

'Luna!' Yusei called out to her, 'What's wrong?' he said in a worry tone.

'I-i-it's the d-dragon,' Luna stuttered in pain as she held her chest, 't-the s-s-s-shadow and d-d-arkness energy.'

'Shadow and dark energy.' Yami frowned, 'It must have the same effect as Paradox Dragon, but its has more dark energy than the last one. She's feeling the shadow.' Yugi looked at her in worry.

'This is why,' Luna thought, 'I hate it when I'm right.'

'This is your doing Yugi.' Paradox said smugly, Yami glared at him in anger. 'I hope that you are please with yourself.'

'Oh no the time.' Banner said as he looked at the clock, 'Pegasus will be here at any time.' Then he looked at Luna who is on the ground clenching her chest in pain, 'And Luna is feeling the worst off all matters.'

'It's my turn and I active Malefic Selector,' Paradox stated, 'by removing Malefic Parallelgear and Malefoc Cyber-End Dragon. I'm allowed to add two cards from my deck to the graveyard and summon forth their dark counter parts. Malefic Blue-Eyes White Dragon and Malefic Red-Eyes Black Dragon.'

Malefic Blue-Eyes White Dragon: ATK/ 3000 – DEF/ 2500 – Level 8

Malefic Red-Eyes Black Dragon: ATK/ 2400 – DEF/ 2000 – Level 7

'Both Blue-Eyes and Red-Eyes.' Yami exclaimed in shock.

'Great, he got Uncle Joey and Uncle Seto Dragons. Oh Ra.' Luna said in pain.

'That's right and now for taste of their power.' Paradox announced, 'Oh, since Malefic Truth Dragon out and one if one of your monsters goes down then all of your other monsters are also destroyed.'

'WHAT?!' Yusei and Luna both exclaimed.

'I don't think so Paradox,' Luna said as she got off the ground clenching her chest still, 'I play Moonlight Security Orb! This trap can negate your monster attack and switch it to defences mode.'

'Luna great work.' Yami praised.

'I'll show you work!' Paradox exclaimed, 'Go Blue-Eyes! Pick up where Red-Eyes left off!'

Malefic Blue-Eyes White Dragon attack Dark Magician and destroyed him.

Yami+Luna+Yusei: 4000 – 500 _ 3500

'Dark Magician!' Yami cried out.

'Next Malefic Truth Dragon's special ability activates which means all of the remaining monsters you have on the field is destroyed.' Paradox told them as dark red needles appeared in front of Malefic Truth Dragon and attack Yami, Luna and Yusei.

'Sorry Paradox don't think so!' Yusei called out, 'I active Stardust Dragon's special ability, so by releasing my Dragon I can negate you Dragon's effect and then destroy it all together.'

'What?' Paradox cried out.

'So say good-bye.' Yusei said as the dark red needles reserved itself.

'Not, so fast,' Paradox told him, 'I play Truth Dragon's other ability! By removing Malefic Rainbow Dragon in my graveyard from play Truth Dragon is safe and you know what that means. It can carry out its attacks! And remember when one goes they are all go! Oh did I mention for every monster is destroyed by this special ability you take 800 points of damage!'

The attack of Truth Dragon sent Yami and Yusei flying till they hit the ground Luna stayed on her feet because of Yubel is holding her.

'That's right lay there and prepares to accept you fate!' Paradox told them coldly.

Yami+Luna+Yusei: 3500 – 1600 _ 1900

'Can't give up.' Yusei said as Luna looked back seeing Yusei and Yami struggle to get up, 'We have to keep fighting no matter what.'

'Keep fighting?' Paradox asked, 'You three can't even defend yourselves. Next I play the spell Malefic Divide. With this I can bring back one monster from my graveyard until the end of this turn. And the Malefic Monster I choose to bring back is Malefic Stardust Dragon!'

'No.' Yusei gasped.

'They only have 1900 life points left one attack from Malefic Stardust Dragon and their done for!' Banner said in horror.

'I warn you three not to interfere and now you'll see why.' Paradox told them, 'Malefic Stardust Dragon unleashes your fury! Now Duel Monsters shall parish. Buried deep beneath its ashes well be you four and all of the Duel Monsters cards you hold so dear.'

'My worst fear,' Yusei said as his vision of the future destruction, 'it's actually coming true. All lost is lost.'

Luna looked at him and walked up to him, he stared up at her. 'Where the Yusei Fudo I meet at the beginning?' she asked him and he was quite, 'The Yusei Fudo that I meet in the beginning didn't give up hope at all. He had hope for the future as a great future till the very end.' Yusei looked at her in shock and she smiled at him. 'There is still hope Yusei, didn't I tell you at the beginning to not give up.'

Yusei smiled at her as he got up off the ground with Yami, 'Your right. There is still hope for us.' Luna smiled brightly forgetting that she was in pain.

'That's right cause the three of us believe in Duel Monsters with all of our hearts while Paradox does not.' Yami agreed, 'And when you believe you always have a chance.'

'You said it Uncle Yugi and that's why where still here,' Luna told them, as she face her face down card, 'let me show you I play a spell Flute of Summoning Kuriboh! This card lets us to add a Kuriboh or Winged Kuriboh to our hand from the deck!' She smirked. 'Uncle Yugi you're up!'

'Right.' Yami agreed, 'Kuriboh I active your special ability. An ability that let's Kuriboh take the hit from Stardust Dragon instead of us!'

'No!' Paradox yelled in anger.

'Alright there's still hope.' Banner said after he clicked his fingers.

'You!' Paradox screamed, 'I'll make you pay dearly for that little stunt Queen!'

'I have a name!' Luna yelled at him. 'So use it and stop calling me Queen!'

Yami and Yugi both sweat dropped at her not matter how hard to duel is she is still herself, 'I'm not so sure you well Paradox because at the end of this turn Malefic Divide effect will be gone which means Malefic Stardust Dragon well be gone as well.'

'But not the real Stardust Dragon because due to his ability it now returns to the field.' Luna added as the Stardust Dragon rises to the field.

Stardust Dragon: ATK/ 2500 – DEF/ 2000 – Level 8

'Stardust Dragon glad your back.' Yusei told his Dragon who roared in response. 'Now I play a trap.'

'Stardust Mirage. Oh no!' Paradox cried out.

'Oh yes, and since Stardust Dragon is out on the field,' Yusei told him, 'I can bring back all of our monsters that was destroyed during this turn.' He finished as three mirrors appeared revealing Dark Magician, Dark Magician Girl and Moonlight Crystal Wind Phoenix on the field.

Dark Magician: ATK/ 2500 – DEF/ 2100 – Level 7

Dark Magician Girl: ATK/ 2000 – DEF/ 1700 – Level 6

Moonlight Crystal Wind Phoenix: ATK/ 1700 – DEF/ 1200 – Level 4

'Luna.' Yusei looked at her, 'It's your move.'

'Right Yusei,' Luna told him and looked at Paradox, 'it's time to end this once and for all.' As she drew sixth card, 'First off I reveal my facedown card Moonlight Dragon call! Your see this card is actives when a monster has been revived from a trap, spell or monster effect and summon the number of dragons that are the amount of monsters that has been revive.'

'WHAT?!' Paradox yelled.

'So I like to meet my friends,' she called out, 'Moonlight Star Dragon, Moonlight Crystal Dragon and Moonlight Crimson Dragon!'

Three bright lights appeared on the field revealing a dragon similar to Stardust Dragon but different in appearance, other dragon is a beautiful dragon with white and blue outline scales and clear blue eyes and she has crystals at the tip of the wings and tail sparkling. The last dragon showed a long beautiful white dragon and its crystals wings shining brightly like no other. All the dragons roared and glared at Malefic Truth Dragon in anger.

Moonlight Star Dragon: ATK/ 3000 – DEF/ 4000 – Level 8

Moonlight Crystal Dragon: ATK/ 5000 – DEF/ 5000 – Level 10

Moonlight Crimson Dragon: ATK/ 8000 – DEF/ 8000 – Level 12

'Beautiful.' Yusei said in awe.

'Yeah.' Yami agreed as Yugi looked at the dragons as well.

'WHAT?! 8000 attacks points.' Paradox cried out in shock.

'And there's more to come I play Moonlight Bring to Light! Now I can add up to four monsters from your deck, graveyard and even the one removed from play to our decks.' Luna declared.

'WHAT?!' Paradox said shocked.

'I told them that I'll save them and I kept my promises.' Luna retorted, 'So Blue-Eyes White Dragon, Red-Eyes Black Dragon, Rainbow Dragon and Cyber-End Dragon go to the deck you want.'

Four orbs of light floated out of Paradox's duel disk and to Yami and Luna's deck. Blue-Eyes, Red-Eyes went to Yami and Rainbow Dragon and Cyber-End went to Luna.

'Nice Luna!' Yusei and Yami both praised.

'Now I activate the spell card Ancient Rules and I use it to summon Moonlight Rose Dragon to the field.' Luna declared as blue roses started to appear on the field revealing a big flower dragon with blue eyes and its body with white colour and blue lines with it, light blue petals and light green vines coming from it. It gave a loud roar in addition to the dragons.

Moonlight Rose Dragon: ATK/ 2900 – DEF/ 2650 – Level 7

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Yusei looked at it in shock as how it was similar to Akiza Black Rose Dragon except for the colours and attack points.

'Also Moonlight Crimson Dragon has a special ability, you see for every dragons that are on the field now it gains 2000 extra attack points for each one.' Luna announced as Moonlight Crimson Dragon attack points went up.

'WHAT?!' Yami and Yusei said in shock.

Moonlight Crimson Dragon: ATK/ 8000 + 12000 – 20000

'20000 attack points!' Paradox yelled in panick.

'Woah!' Yami said and Yugi agreed.

'And it's about to go higher,' Luna said and they look at her in surprise, 'I play Moonlight Spiral Force! With this card I can choose a monster on our side of the field and double its attack points.'

Moonlight Crimson Dragon: ATK/ 20000 + 20000 - 40000

Yami smirked, 'I also play a trap,' he announce, 'Dark Spiral Force! And due to this force I can select a monster out on our side of the field and double its attack points once again.'

Moonlight Crimson Dragon: ATK/ 40000 + 40000 - 80000

'I also play a trap,' Yusei added, 'Star Spiral Force! [A/N: Made up card so Yusei can be a part of the double attacks points.] And it's the same as the other forces so Moonlight Crimson Dragon doubles once again.'

Moonlight Crimson Dragon: ATK/ 80000 + 80000 – 160000

'160000 attack points. Oh no!' Paradox exclaimed in defeat and fear.

'That's right!' Yami, Luna and Yusei said together.

'Now attack Stardust Dragon!' Yusei exclaimed.

'Dark Magician, attack!' Yami ordered.

Moonlight Crimson Dragon roared, 'Show him the light will always prevail against the dark! Moonlight Crimson Dragon attack!' Luna ordered.

In unison, Yami, Yusei and Luna exclaimed, 'Go Dark Moonlight Comic Wave!'


'No! NO!' Paradox exclaimed as the attacks hit and he disappeared.

Paradox: 1150 – 155000 _ 0000

Yami+Luna+Yusei: 1900

The duel completed and the three duelists sigh in relief.

Birdy, Birdy

Tori landed on her shoulder and Pharaoh was seating next to her leg. 'Well,' Luna called out as they all looked at her, 'That's Game!' she shouted happily and her dragons all roared in agreement. She laughed at them before they all disappeared. Yami, Yugi and Yusei chuckled at her.

Domino City!

Luna, Yami and Yusei watched the sunset together as they heard people from below.

'I sincerely must be a dream come true,' Pegasus said as he handed out Duel Monsters cards to children, 'for you all to be so close to me.'

Duelists all age was dueling, receiving cards from Pegasus or taking photos with people that are cosplaying in Duel Monsters.

Yami, Luna and Yusei all watched with smiles, when Luna realised that it was time for her and Yusei to go back to their time.

'So, Uncle Yugi looks like our work is done here.' Luna smiled as Yami smiled back and face Luna and Yusei.

'Looks that way.' Yami replied.

'Uh, well. Guess this is good-bye then.' She said as Pharaoh was in her arms, 'I'll see you again in the future Uncle Yugi and Yusei…' she face him, 'Hope we meet again in the future.'

'Yeah, same here Luna.' Yusei smiled at her. 'But let's hope that when we do, the whole world of Duel Monsters isn't on the line again.' He chuckled and she giggled.

'You said it Yusei.' Yami said, 'Maybe we can duel each other, whatever happens I know that the bond we form here today is going to stand the test of time.'

'Of course Uncle Yugi,' Luna chimed, 'All of time.' As she put out her left hand and Yusei did the same next was Yami on top.

'Bye.' Yusei said as Crimson Dragon opened up a portal to take him back home.

Luna waved good-bye to him. 'See-ya later.'

'how Many Times Was 'you Still Take Dmg ' Said In Yu-gi-oh' Terms

'Well,' she faced Yami, 'It was nice meeting you Nameless Pharaoh Yami.' Yami looked at her in shock.

'How?' Yami asked.

'*giggles* Coming from the future you hear stories of your Uncles and Aunties adventures.' She answered.

'I see, so you knew from the beginning when Yugi and I switched.' She nodded.

'Yeah, but it doesn't really matter,' she said as she pulled out her Moonlight Crimson Dragon and used her powers as Crimson Dragon opened up a portal for her to go to her time, 'Bye Uncle Yugi and Uncle Yami, it's nice to meet you again.' She waved and entered the portal with Pharaoh in her arms and Tori on her shoulder.

'Yeah.' Yami said as she left.

'Uncle Yami,' Yugi said, 'Sounds nice.'

'Yeah, we should head back now.' Yugi nodded as Yami let him to control.

New Domino City! Yusei Time!

Yusei duel runner exited out of the portal. He took off his helmet and started to think, 'At long last, I finally feel like I can let go of the past and focus on the future.' He thought as he was looking over New Domino City. 'Paradox may painted a blink picture for the world but I know the future isn't a sad stone is what we make it.' As he face the see his friends running towards him, 'And together were going to make it bright.' Yusei declared, 'Because the true magic of Duel Monsters isn't just in the cards it's all in the friendship I forged thanks to the game.' He smiled at his friends remembering Luna, Yami and Yugi.

Somewhere in Luna Time!

A portal opened up and Luna landed outside of it.

'Ouch!' Luna said, 'I've got to stop landing on my butt so hard.'


She got up looking around it was the same place before she Paradox attack; she smiled at the happiness of people and put her hood on. 'Well, that was fun.' Luna giggled as she walked off, 'Hope we meet again Yusei Fudo, I hope that you make the future bright.'

Birdy. Birdy.

'how Many Times Was 'you Still Take Dmg ' Said In Yu-gi-oh' 1

With that Luna walked off to continue her travels around the world.

'The Future Holds Many, Many Answers!'


'how Many Times Was 'you Still Take Dmg ' Said In Yu-gi-oh' World

Go To

General Memes
  • Card games on hippos!
    • As of season 2, some have taken to applying one from Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's: Card Games on Motorcycles.
    • It doesn't take long after the fifth OP aired for the fans to fork it into Card Games on Roller Skates!
  • Yuya's Fusion Summoning Beast-Eyes in episode 26. Due to his stern expression, hands outstretched and the bright light behind him, people have had a field day with calling him 'Duel Jesus' and the like.
    • This meme would be later expanded due to Yuya's Messianic Archetype tendencies in later seasons.
  • Many have taken to calling Yuzu the real protagonist of the series as she was far more involved in the plot than Yuya (someone even made the chart) until episode 36, particularly following Yuya's duel with Reiji.
    • A sub-theme of this is referring to the series as a Reverse Harem, and comparing the characters in relation to Yuzu with traditional harem archetypes (Yuya the childhood friend, Yuto the wounded soul, Kurosaki the Aloof Big Brother, Masumi and Olga the lesbian route..). See Launcher of a Thousand Ships above.
    • And then, ironically, this has been replaced with 'Will Yuzu get to do anything?' Starting around the Synchro Dimension arc, where she either does things that have no impact on the plot at large or gets repeatedly kidnapped by the respective Big Bads of the arc.
    • 'The four Dimensional Lamps' Explanation
  • It's traditional to refer to practitioners of different Summoning methods as '[x] scum', in reference to the Fantastic Racism going on in the series. This is particularly common with Kurosaki or Sora.
  • The 'Berserk Mode' or 'Berserker Mode' is an unofficial term created by fans to describe the Superpowered Evil Side of Yuya and his Identical Strangers. For a long time, everything known about the Berserk Mode was just fan theories and very little was confirmed about it. Now it's officially called 'Awakening'.
  • Everyone in this series is colorblind!note
  • Carded.note
  • Egao.note
    • Egao cult. Explanation
    • Eggo Explanation
  • 'But you'll still take the damage!'Explanation

'how Many Times Was 'you Still Take Dmg ' Said In Yu-gi-oh' 2017

  • Sora's Fusion Monsters (Des-toy/Death-toy/Frightfur) resembling the animatronics of Five Nights at Freddy's. Some fans joke about him finding the game funny, being the owner of the pizza place, or the creator of the infamous killer robots.
  • Sora's rape faces from episode 34, particularly this one.
  • People actually start to use Futoshi's annoying Catchphrase, 'shivers'note .
  • Mieru Hochun's psychic nosebleed has seen a bit of circulation on tumblr in regards to cute boys.
  • Yuto's name being written as 'Ute' on the Versus Character Splash. Many people saw this as ridiculous, and started using it ironically. The spelling also goes for the other Yus - Uya (Yuya), Uge (Yugo), Uze (Yuzu)..and then we got Yugo being written as 'Hyugo' and 'Hugo' And then Yuri's name become 'Juri' and 'Joeri'.
  • Yuya's catch phrase ('The fun has just begun!') is usually said ironically by fans when something traumatic happens, like Sora's Nightmare Face during his duel wih Kurosaki, or Yuya's Superpowered Evil Side appearing. Just look.
  • Kurosaki's spectacular Dueling record has led to 'BUY RAID RAPTORS' becoming something of a call around him. When they're not talking about his obsession with RUUUURIIII.
    • Related to this, we have the 'RURI RAPTORS'!
    • Kurosaki falling down a flight of stairs in episode 47.
      • The fandom has started making fun of stairs as Yuya fell down the stairs twice in his duel against Reiji.
    • The introduction of Crow, in conjunction with his own Merchandise-Driven origins and the fact that he immediately (again) became a prominent character who can defeat just about anyone and rarely loses, led to the counter-call of 'BUY BLACKWINGS!'
      • Crow's longterm association with shilling cards and habit of showing up right before periods considered Seasonal Rot has led to him becoming associated with Konami, often in terms of him either being a fanboy defender or an agent of them.
  • Referring to 8 Youth Division finalists chosen to protect Maiami City from Academia's invasion as Reiji's personal male idol group/boy band.note
  • Related to Reiji's boy band is Reiji's superhero team made up of Yuya, Gongenzaka, Serena, Kurosaki, Sawatari and Tsukikage, based on episode 49 and episode 50's preview, where Reiji states his desire to make them his Lancers. Due to the name, many are comparing the Lancers to the Avengers. Some have even taken to photoshopping the Avengers' movie poster with them. Yuya is Captain America, Gongenzaka is the Hulk, Sawatari is Iron Man, Serena is Black Widow, Kurosaki is Thor, Tsukikage is Hawkeye and Reiji is Nick Fury.
  • While uncommon, Odd-Eyes is occasionally compared to a chicken more than a dragon thanks to it's overall body structure and how it moves about like a chicken thanks to having no wings like other dragon monsters. Of course, then a possible Synchro form for it was revealed in an upcoming Structure Deck, and not only does it look more avian than draconic, but it also appears to have a crest atop its head. To top it off, it's a FIRE monster, and its artwork depicts its body Wreathed in Flames. Naturally, Mega Ultra Chicken comparisons ensued.
  • Fans starting to photoshop Kurosaki running in his Indiana Jones outfit, resulting in pictures that feature him outrunning cars, trains, or running alongside with José.
    • He is later joined by Tsukikage as well.
  • Fans mistaking Yuri's ace monster for the incredibly generic card Kaiser Dragon due to its silhouette. They share a few laughs when it is noted how ridiculous that is.
    • Before its official name was revealed, many people on certain parts of the internet had taken to calling Yuri's dragon as 'Big Dick Fusion Dragon' thanks to a certain angle of its silhouette in its debut episode.
  • Referring to Nico Smiley as Hitler or being a Nazi in some fashion, mostly for his design and apparent skeeviness contrasting oddly with his genial personality.
Synchro Dimension

'how Many Times Was 'you Still Take Dmg ' Said In Yu-gi-oh' Life

  • Tokumatsu's 'ENJOY!' and 'KOIKOIKOIKOI' have become very popular on Reddit. Just mentioning Cardians, Tokumatsu or the even word 'enjoy' sparks responses.
  • Due to the Lancers rather spotty win record, 'Being Lancers is suffering'.
  • Due to the massive amount of ship tease between the respective Yuyas' and their Yuzus', many are joking that ARC-V is the straightest Yu-Gi-Oh! show yet.
  • Reiji's line 'All According to Plan.'note And now Jean Michel Roget has used this line.
    • You know that this has become a meme when one of the voice actors from Final Fantasy VII: Machinabridged defaults to it in one of the bloopers.note
    • Mocking/insulting Reiji's skills at prediction and manipulation has gotten to be a big one, since it's all he does in the Synchro arc. Either he's predicted everything that's happened in the Synchro Arc with impossible accuracy, or he's a poser who only pretends to be in control when everything is going to hell.
  • After episode 77, it has become a meme between artists in the fandom to draw Yuzu as a Dark Signer. It started on Twitter and then entered Pixiv and Tumblr.note
    • Some artists have even gone as far as to draw all the Bracelet Girls as Dark Signers.
  • 'Are they still in the Synchro Dimension?' Explanation
  • Whenever Yuri enters an episode, new image reaction memes are born, in no part thanks to his wide rangeof facial expressionsthroughout theseries. Really, Yuri can qualify as a Fountain of Memes thanks to being the series Memetic Psychopath. Who else would give this casual of a smile just before attempting to card someone?
  • Kurosaki carrying a ghetto blaster in episode 90 has also become a meme.
  • Roget's Villainous Breakdown in episode 94 quickly caught off with the fandom, thanks to his Japanese VA's show-stopping performance and Roget's facial reactions to what's going on. In particular, his 'SEEEEEEERRGEEEEEEEEEY!!!' line quickly become one of the most memorable moments in the show so far, and is wildly regarded as a Moment of Awesome for Roget's VA because of how high and enraged he managed to make it sound. Similarly, jokes about his VA needing a cough drop afterwards are common as well.
  • Ping-Pong on Motorcycles / Ping-Pong Dimension Explanation
  • Neo New. Explanation
  • UTSUKUSHII. Explanation
  • HITOTSU NI.Explanation
  • Yūgō jane! Yūgo da!note
  • The reveal of Asuka joining the series caused some fans to use her picture in her white uniform, since she was Brainwashed and Crazy in season 2, fitting to the Ax-Crazy behaviour of Academia students. This became ironic, since it has turned out that she is not an antagonist.
  • Similarly, the reveal of Edo Phoenix caused fans to re-use the jokes with the letter D.
  • The preview talks about a character all by him/herself, all by him/herself. Explanation
  • Dark Rebellion's EGAO face.Explanation
  • Yuya checked an opponent's card effect. No one has any excuses now. Explanation
  • The show won't go on.Explanation
  • Yuto is really inside him!Explanation
  • Spunk Yes!Explanation
  • Merry Christmas! Here, have Satan! note
    • Zarcmas Explanation
  • IS THIS HOW YOU END A SERIES?! Explanation
    • Related to the aforementioned meme above, some fans think that ARC-V is 'a poor man's version of Cardfight!! Vanguard'.
  • Yuzu is Yuya's mom. note

'how Many Times Was 'you Still Take Dmg ' Said In Yu-gi-oh' Movie

  • Crossing over with Digimon Universe Applimonsters. Due to that show's protagonist looking like Yuya, tons of jokes sprung up about Yuya taking the dimension-hopping game into another franchise. The fact that Universe has added a pink-haired heroine with twintails, makes it even more obvious.
    • Similarly, in the wake of the infamous bait and switch concerning the Pokemon XY&Z anime league, the resulting salt it ended up generating in the Pokemon fandom has somehow gotten people comparing Alain and Yuya. Explanation
