3.5e Dmg

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3.5e Homebrew. From D&D Wiki. Back to Main Page. Along with being intended to be used by player characters, dungeon masters are encouraged to use this section to design and run playing sessions and to take improving, reviewing, or removing templates into consideration in their campaigns. Razorice: +1d6 frost dmg, at Lv. 5 increases to 2d6 and +1d6 per 5 levels after (5d6 max at Lv. D6 value increases by 1 and str by 2 per 5 levels. Stone Gargoyle: At level 15, the Ebon Knight is able to use the energies to increase his defenses. The weapon receives a +5 Deflection AC and +4 Con. Can you ever hope to find your way home safely when pitted against the infinite evils of the Nine Hells? Diabolical dangers await in this campaign adventure for the world’s greatest roleplaying game!

See the Effects topic for basic effects information.

  • 4Effect Text Field Features

Using Effect Features in Your Game

Effects in the 3.5E ruleset can be very complex, once you decide to take advantage of all of the functionality available. Many features provided in this section can be handled manually by calculations done by the players and GM, just like sitting around the gaming table. It is recommended that you slowly add effect capabilities to your game until the comfort level of you and your players has been reached.

While effects can be entered manually, the effects system was also designed to pull the effect information directly from the ability or spell description text by parsing the words. Just provide the description text from the rulebooks directly into an ability or spell entry on the Actions tab of the character sheet, or drop the abilities and spells from your own data modules.

The effect system was built to handle 80-90% of the rules available in the game system (including automatic parsing of effects from ability and spell description text). 3.5E can be a very complex game, as it is built using exception-based game design principles. The primary focus of the effects system is to support the abilities and spells in the core rulebooks. There will be some powers and effects that will not be able to be represented in the current version of the ruleset.

Campaign Effects

In addition to the effect text field and visibility fields, the 3.5E ruleset adds an effect expenditure toggle button and duration fields. The effect text field can contain one or more modifiers or conditions that adjust rolls made by that CT actor.

  • Expenditure: By default, an effect is applied to all future rolls until the duration expires. The expenditure button can be toggled to Action, Roll or Singles as well. If set to Action, the effect will be applied to the next relevant action (set of rolls)(i.e. area of effect attack rolls as a set). If set to Roll, the effect will be applied to the next relevant single roll. If set to Singles, each component of the effect will be applied once when relevant, then removed. (See below for effect label components.)
  • Duration: The duration consists of two fields indicating a numerical value and a unit period (round, minute, hour, day). If the numerical duration is zero (or empty), then the effect does not expire.

Combat Tracker

When an effect is applied to an actor in the combat tracker, in addition to the fields added in Campaign Effects, a few additional fields have been added.

  • Active State: By default, an effect is set to always be active (i.e. On). The active state can be toggled to Skip or Off. If set to Skip, the next application of the effect will be skipped, and then the effect will be set to On again. If set to Off, the effect will no longer be applied to rolls, but will remain in the CT.
  • Duration: When the main duration field is set to Start/End Turn values, an additional field will be shown to track the initiative number when the duration should start/end.
  • Applied By: The active actor will be used as the source actor of an effect, and shown in the lower right of the effect entry. If no actor is active, then this field is hidden. To set the source actor of an effect, drag the name field of a CT actor onto the label field of a CT effect entry. The source is usually just informational, but may occasionally be used to support advanced effects (such as Marked). Click on the Applied By field to clear the source actor.
  • Targets: By default, effects are applied to relevant rolls for all targets. However, some effect components can be targeted (such as attack and damage modifiers). A targeting button is shown next to each effect entry, and can be dragged onto a CT entry or CT-linked token to specify that the effect is targeted to a specific actor or set of actors. Additional options to target all allies or enemies are available by right-clicking on the targeting button. The Targets field is hidden unless targets are defined. Click on the Targets field to clear the targets.

Effect Text Field Features

In the 3.5E ruleset, conditions and modifiers can be embedded into the effect text field in order to modify rolls made by the actor.

Each description, condition or modifier needs to be separated by a semi-colon within the effect text field, and these are called effect components. Effect components that do not start with a modifier tag or a condition tag are treated as descriptive text only.


  • Not case-sensitive.
  • Do not stack.
Condition Modifiers Applied Notes
Climbing GRANTCA
Kneeling AC: -2 melee; AC: 2 ranged
Sitting AC: -2 melee; AC: 2 ranged
Squeezing GRANTCA; ATK:-5
Combat Advantage
CA (T), When attacking, actor treats defender as flat-footed.
GRANTCA (T), Actor is considered flat-footed when attacked.
Blinded AC:-2; GRANTCA; SKILL:-2 strength dexterity; SKILL:-4 search perception Attacks treat defenders as if they have Total Concealment
Cowering AC:-2
Dazzled ATK:-1; SKILL:-1 spot search perception
Entangled ATK:-2; DEX:-4
Evasion Treated as having evasion.
Exhausted DEX:-6; STR:-6
Fascinated SKILL:-4 spot listen perception
Fatigued DEX:-2; STR:-2
Frightened ATK:-2; SAVE:-2; SKILL:-2; ABIL:-2
Grappled GRANTCA Combat advantage is only applied to actors who are not the source actor for the Grappled effect.
Helpless AC:-4 melee Treated as having zero Dex for AC calculation
Improved Evasion Treated as having improved evasion.
Invisible ATK:2; CA; TCONC (T)
Incorporeal Corporeal attacks against actor have 50% miss chance.
Panicked ATK:-2; SAVE:-2; SKILL:-2; ABIL:-2
Paralyzed AC:-4 melee Treated as having zero Dex for AC calculation
Petrified AC:-4 melee Treated as having zero Dex for AC calculation
Pinned GRANTCA, AC:-4 In 3.5E, AC penalty excludes source actor. In PFRPG, applies to all.
Prone ATK:-4 melee; AC:-4 melee; AC:4 ranged
Rebuked AC:-2
Shaken ATK:-2; SAVE:-2; SKILL:-2; ABIL:-2
Sickened ATK:-2; DMG:-2; SAVE:-2; SKILL:-2; ABIL:-2
Slowed ATK:-1; AC:-1; REF:-1
Stunned AC:-2; GRANTCA
Turned AC:-2
Unconscious AC:-4 melee Treated as having zero Dex for AC calculation, Prone effect should be applied separately

(T) = Effects can be targeted to only apply to conditions against certain opponents


  • Format: [tag]: [dice/number] [descriptors]
  • Case-sensitive
  • If colon missing, assume no dice, numerical modifier or descriptors.
  • Modifiers stack as long as their bonus type is blank or unique. If two modifiers have the same bonus type, only the larger value will be used.
  • When applying effects from PC sheet powers, bracketed ability tags ([STR],[DEX],..) can be added to the modifier dice and numerical portion to adjust by current PC attribute modifiers. The ability tags can be set to negative ([-INT]), half ([HWIS]) or double ([2CHA]).
Modifier Value Descriptors Notes
INIT (D) [bonus] Initiative checks
ATK (D) [bonus], [range], opportunity (T), Attack rolls
CC (N) [bonus] (T), Critical confirmation rolls
AC (N) [bonus], [range], opportunity (T), Armor class defense
CMB (D) [bonus], opportunity (T), Combat maneuver rolls
CMD (N) [bonus], opportunity (T), Combat maneuver defense
DMG (D) [bonus], [range], [damage type]* (T), Damage rolls for weapons
DMGS (D) [bonus], [range], [damage type]* (T), Damage rolls for spells
HEAL (D) - Healing rolls
SAVE (N) [bonus], [save] Saving throws
CLC (N) Caster level checks
ABIL (D) [bonus], [ability] Ability checks
STR (N) [bonus] Strength modifier
DEX (N) [bonus] Dexterity modifier
CON (N) [bonus] Constitution modifier
INT (N) [bonus] Intelligence modifier
WIS (N) [bonus] Wisdom modifier
CHA (N) [bonus] Charisma modifier
DMGTYPE (-) [damage type] Adds damage type to all damage rolls.
DMGO (D) [damage type]* Damage (Ongoing)
FHEAL (D) - Fast Healing
REGEN (D) [special] Regeneration. Use and/or clause to specify damage types which can overcome regeneration.
DR (N) [special], all (T), Damage resistance. Use and/or clause to specify damage types which can overcome DR.
IMMUNE (-) [damage type], all (T), Immune to damage type.
Assumes all if no [damage type] descriptor.
RESIST (N) [damage type], all (T), Resistance to damage type.
Assumes all if no [damage type] descriptor.
VULN (N) [damage type] (T), Vulnerability to damage type.
CONC (-) [range]* (T), Concealment
(Attacks have 20% miss chance.)
TCONC (-) [range]* (T), Concealment (Total)
(Attacks have 50% miss chance.)
PCOVER (-) [range]* (T), Cover (Partial)
(ATK: -2)
COVER (-) [range]* (T), Cover
(ATK: -4)
SCOVER (-) [range]* (T), Cover (Superior)
(ATK: -8)
Construct traits (-) IMMUNE: nonlethal Construct creature type.
Swarm traits (-) - Swarm creature type. Informational only.
Undead traits (-) IMMUNE: nonlethal Undead creature type.
NLVL (N) - Negative levels.
For each negative level, the following modifiers are applied (ATK:-1; SAVE:-1; SKILL:-1; ABIL:-1; CMD:-1).
SKILL (D) [bonus], [skill], [ability] Skill checks
SPEED (N) [bonus] Speed. Informational only.

(D) = Dice and numbers supported for value attribute
(N) = Only numbers supported for value attribute
(-) = Neither number nor dice supported for value attribute
(T) = Effects can be targeted to only apply to modifiers against certain opponents

[bonus] = alchemical, armor, circumstance, competence, deflection, dodge, enhancement, insight, luck, morale, natural, profane, racial, resistance, sacred, shield, size
[range] = melee, ranged
[damage type] = acid, cold, electricity, fire, sonic, force, negative, positive, adamantine, bludgeoning, cold iron, epic, magic, piercing, silver, slashing, chaotic, evil, good, lawful, nonlethal, spell
[ability name] = strength, constitution, dexterity, intelligence, wisdom, charisma
[skill name] = any skill name
* = Multiple entries of this descriptor type allowed.

Special Components

  • Examples: FAIL, AURA, ..
  • Unique format for each tag
  • Case-sensitive
Special Tag Notes
IF: [condition OR conditional operator] Ignores the remainder of the effect components within the effect label, unless the source actor has the specified condition.
IFT: [condition OR conditional operator] Ignores the remainder of the effect components within the effect label, unless the opposing actor has the specified condition.

Conditional Operators

  • Not case-sensitive
Operator Notes
ALIGN ([alignment]) If the creature indicated by the conditional effect has the given alignment, then this operator returns true.
Neutral is assumed for creatures where not specified.
True neutral checking is not supported due to necessary assumptions to make this feature work for majority of cases automatically.
SIZE ([size])
SIZE ([>= OR <= OR > OR < OR =][size])
If the conditional effect target is of the correct size or larger/smaller based on the size greater/less than operation, then this operator returns true.
Medium size is assumed for creatures where not specified.
TYPE ([creature type]*) If the creature indicated by the conditional effect has the given creature type, then this operator returns true.
The humanoid creature type is assumed for creatures where not specified, and for PCs.
Wounded If the conditional effect target has any wounds, then this operator returns true.
Bloodied If the conditional effect target has wounds greater than or equal to half its hit points, then this operator returns true.
CUSTOM () Allows for testing user created conditions. The condition to be tested is added in brackets after the custom keyword. Thus the syntax would be IF: CUSTOM (condition) or IFT: CUSTOM (condition). If the 'condition' is present on the target (for IFT) or actor (for IF) then the function will return true. The 'condition' to be tested for is applied as the custom condition name only (essentially a label), it does not include the 'custom' keyword. For example: Apply the text 'Quarry' to a target and then check with 'IFT: CUSTOM (Quarry);'

[alignment] = LG, LN, LE, NG, NE, CG, CN, CE, lawful, lawful good, lawful neutral, lawful evil, neutral good, neutral evil, chaotic, chaotic good, chaotic neutral, chaotic evil, good, evil
[size] = F, D, T, S, M, L, H, G, C, fine, diminutive, tiny, small, medium, large, huge, gargantuan, colossal
[creature type] = aberration, animal, construct, dragon, fey, giant, humanoid, magical beast, monstrous humanoid, ooze, outsider, plant, undead, vermin, air, angel, aquatic, archon, augmented, chaotic, cold, demon, devil, earth, evil, extraplanar, fire, good, incorporeal, lawful, living construct, native, psionic, shapechanger, swarm, water, dwarf, elf, gnoll, gnome, goblinoid, halfling, human, orc, reptilian
* = Multiple entries of this descriptor type allowed.

PC Specific Notes

NOTE: These tags can only be used for effects specified on the PC Actions tab of the character sheet. They will not work from the campaign effects list or combat tracker. The numerical values will be calculated when the effect is applied to the combat tracker.

When applying effects from the Actions tab of the PC sheet, special tags can be inserted to provide numerical bonuses based on the PC's current attributes.

3.5e Damage Types

PC tag Notes
STR PC Strength bonus
BAB PC base attack bonus
DEX PC Dexterity bonus
CON PC Constitution bonus
INT PC Intelligence bonus
WIS PC Wisdom bonus
CHA PC Charisma bonus
LVL PC total level
H[other tag] Half of the other tag bonus
X[other tag] Multiply other tag by X where X is 2-9
-[other tag] Negative the other tag bonus (including half and double)



  • ATK: 2 sacred
  • SAVE: 1
  • DMGO: 2d6
  • DMG: 1d6 cold
  • RESIST: 5 fire; RESIST: 5 cold


  • RESIST: 5 fire,cold

PC Sheet

  • RESIST: 2 [WIS]
  • ATK: [-DEX]
  • DMG: 2d6+1 [CON]


Power Text Effect Label Other Effect Fields
+1 to next d20 roll ATK:1, DMG:1, SKILL:1, ABIL:1, SAVE:1 (Duration: 1)(Expend on Roll)
+2 to your next attack and damage roll ATK:2, DMG:2 (Duration: 1)(Expend on Single Usage)
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Sometimes you need weapon damages above Colossal size, but it's difficult to find information on it as it has never officially been codified. Fortunately there is a weapon damage progression that can be extrapolated. Here it is.

Expanded Weapon Size Damage[edit]

Weapons either follow the typical d6 progression, or the d8 progression for weapons that deal 1d10 damage as medium weapons (such as bastard swords or heavy crossbow). This chart starts from the last recorded damage (colossal) and goes from there. The sizes below are the Immortal Handbook sizes; they are equal to using Colossal+, Colossal++, Colossal+++, and so forth. The examples use Longsword and Bastard Sword examples; other weapons generally follow the Longsword chart as appropriate. Dice averages have been placed in parentheses.

Expanded Weapon Size Damage
Dice Progression Colossal Titanic Macro-Fine Macro-Diminutive Macro-Tiny Macro-Small Macro-Medium Macro-Large Macro-Huge Macro-Gargantuan Macro-Colossal Macro-Titanic
Longsword 6d6 (21) 8d6 (26) 12d6 (42) 16d6 (56) 24d6 (84) 32d6 (112) 48d6 (168) 64d6 (224) 96d6 (336) 128d6 (448) 192d6 (672) 256d6 (896)
Bastard Sword 6d8 (27) 8d8 (36) 12d8 (54) 16d8 (72) 24d8 (108) 32d8 (144) 48d8 (216) 64d8 (288) 96d8 (432) 128d8 (576) 192d8 (864) 256d8 (1152)

Variant Expanded Weapon Size Damage[edit]

The doubling can be troubling if you are for some reason fighting something really really big, or your player has somehow become ginormous themselves. Here is a variant progression which multiplies slower.

Expanded Weapon Size Damage
Dice Progression Colossal Titanic Macro-Fine Macro-Diminutive Macro-Tiny Macro-Small Macro-Medium Macro-Large Macro-Huge Macro-Gargantuan Macro-Colossal Macro-Titanic
Longsword 6d6 (21) 8d6 (26) 11d6 (38) 14d6 (49) 18d6 (63) 22d6 (77) 27d6 (94) 33d6 (115) 39d6 (136) 45d6 (157) 52d6 (182) 59d6 (206)
Bastard Sword 6d8 (27) 8d8 (36) 11d8 (49) 14d8 (63) 18d8 (81) 22d8 (99) 27d8 (121) 33d8 (148) 39d8 (175) 45d8 (202) 52d8 (234) 59d8 (265)

3.5e Dmg

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Facts about 'Expanded Weapon Size Damage (3.5e Variant Rule)'

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Identifier3.5e Variant Rule
SummaryA list of increased die damage for sizes above colossal, as well as a variant which does not progress quite so rapidly.
TitleExpanded Weapon Size Damage